Available in English and Spanish or No Print (not embossed).
Words on Silicone Salvation Wristband / Bracelet read as follows:
Gold = Heaven (is paradise - a home where we can have eternal life with God)
Dark = sin (is the evil - not God's way - in our heart; sin separates us from God)
Red = JESUS (God is Love; He gave Jesus to be crucified on a cross to pay for our sins)
Glow White = Shine! (If Jesus lives in us, He empowers us to shine (to love and overcome sin)
Green = Reborn (If we ask God, He will make us born again -born of the Holy Spirit)
Blue = Repent (Be baptized in Jesus' name. Repent - give heart and will to Jesus)
Purple = LORD (Jesus is our Lord, Teacher, Friend - the Way, the Truth, and the Life)
Available in English and Spanish or No Print (not embossed).
Priced as follows: 1-23 = $1.49 each
24 = $33.36 ($1.39 each)
50 = $64.50 ($1.29 each)
100 = $119.00 ($1.19 each)
500 = $545.00 ($1.09 each)
1,000 = $990.00 (99¢ each)
3,000 = $2,670.00 (89¢ each)